Image Processing
- To Perform and Demonistrate The Image Histogram Streching and Histogram Equalization
- Finger Print Authentication.
- Image Reconstruction by using MATLAB.
- DCT Based Image Water Marking.
- Image compression using Wavelets.
- Facial Recognization by using MATLAB.
- Face Detection System by using MATLAB.
- Image Segmentation using MATLAB.
- CANOPY Image Analysis by using MATLAB.
- Vehicle Traffic Pattern at an Inter section by using Simulink Events.
- Vehicle Number plate Recognization.
- Tank level Controller.
- Analysis of AWGN channel by using Adaptive Equalizer.
- Image Recognization to Deforms using MATLAB.
- Performance Analysis of Channel Estimation and Adaptive Equalization in
slow fading Channel.
- Image Compression with Neural Network using MATLAB.
- Image Mosaicing using MATLAB.
- Finger Print Recognization System.
- LSB Steganography Using MATLAB Simulation.
- Fourier-Mellin based Image Registration (with GUI) using MATLAB
- Local Adaptive Thresholding.
- Rigid and non rigid image registration using sumulink.
- Image masking Recognization.
- Character Recognition Using Neural Networks.
- One-To-One Face Matching.
- Development of Medical Image Compression.
- Iris Recognition System.
- Webcam based facial recognition.
- Facial Expression Recognition.
- Facial Recognition System Based on Eigen Faces.
- Shape Recognition.
- Mosaic random-images.
- High Performance Face Recognition Based on Wavelet and Neural Networks.
- High Speed Face Recognition Based on Discrete Cosine Transforms and Neural
- Cheque Number Reader.
- Reverseble Data Hiding Based Histogram Modification of Pixel Difference.
Signal Processing
- Performance
of OFDM over AWGN Channels Using MATLAB Simulation.
- Implementation
of GMSK in Radio Communication Using MATLAB.
- Preprocessing of Speech signal using LPC
and Enhancing using wiener filter.
- Automatic Speaker Recognition System by
using MATLAB.
- Acoustic Echo Cancellation in Hand-free
Communication System.
- Noise Reduction by using Adaptive
- Channel Estimation and Detection based on
- Speech Compression Using Wavelets.
- DS-CDMA in Wireless Handset Communication
- Cellular Traffic Calculation.
- Implementation of Speech Enhancement
using Wiener Filter.
- LDPC Decoder and BER using MATLAB
- Wimax physical Llayer simulation by using
- Radar System Design by using MATLAB
- Adaptive Filtering(Adaptive Channel
Equalization & Channel Enhancement &
Noise Cancellation).
- Adaptive Time Frequency Analysis by using
- Speaker Independent Digit Recognition
System using MATLAB.
- Design of Speaker Recognization System.
- Speaker ID Identification using MATLAB.
- Binary Step Size based LMS Algorithm
Developed by using MATLAB.
- Speech coding Implemented by using
Sub-Band Coders.
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal
Processing with MATLAB Algorithms.
- LPC (Linear Predictive Coding) VOCODER
Simulated using MATLAB.
- Digital Communication Implemented by
using MATLAB Simulation.
- Voice Audio Processing by using MATLAB.
- Removal of noise from ECG Signal using
MATLAB Simulation.
- Channel coding Developed using Hamming Code Techniques
by Using
MATLAB Simulation.
- Smart Antenna System for Mobile
Communication using MATLAB.
- Modern Communication System
Implementation using MATLAB.
- To find Signal Short-time Energy and
Zero-crossing MATLAB Simulation.
- Adaptive Equalizers and Smart Antenna
Systems using MATLAB Simulation.
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal
Processing with MATLAB Algorithm.
- RF Design and Analysis using MATLAB
- Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum, Direct
Sequence Spread Spectrum and
- Speech compression using Linear
Predictive Coding.
- Developing a Financial Market Index
Tracker using MATLAB OOP and
Genetic Algorithms.
- Speak the recognized character using
MATLAB simulation.
- Audio Signal Implementation using DCT and
- Generation of QPSK Wave forms Using
MATLAB Simulation.
- Speech Recognition System for isolated
words using MATLAB.
- Speech Processing Using Kalman filter.
- Implementation of Speech De-Noising using
- Implementation of Alien Voices with GUI
Audio Perturbations
- DCT based Video Processing A Focus
Compression using Simulink.
- Text Independent Speaker Recognition
Based on Neaural Network.
- RADAR simulation.
- Performance Analysis of Channel
Estimation and Adaptive Equalization in Slow Fading Channel.
- Development of Adaptive Band Width Filter
for Tracking Radar Sub-System.
- WiMAX DL waveform Basic PUSC with
preamble boosting.
- Auto Associative memory.
- Exact Histogram
- DTMF Generator and Receiver.
- DSSS Enhanced with a coarse time
Synchronization loop using MATLAB.
- Direct Sequence Spread spectrum using
MATLAB Simulation.
- Slow Frequency Hopped Spread Spectrum
- Array of Antenna System using MATLAB
- Implementation of Sound Editing System by
using MATLAB
- Text to Speech Conversion Using MATLAB.
- Speech Compression Using Linear
Predictive Coding Technique.
- Speech Enhancement Using Soft
Thresholding with DCT
- Speaking Environment Modeling Approach To
Robust Speech Recognition
Using Correlation
- Simulation of PID controllers with Neural
- Simulation of Transformer with short
circuit and RL load termination.
- Simulation of different Bracking Methods
of DC Machine.
- Analysis of sub synchronous resonance in
a power system.
- Simulation of power system stabilizers.
- Modeling Flexible Bodies in
- Skyhook Surface Sliding Mode Control on
Semi-Active Vehicle.
- Electronic AC voltage Regulator.
- Single Phase Active Power Filter (for
High Voltage DC Power Supply).
- Stewart Platform Mechanical System.
- Modeling of a PWM VSI induction motor
- Simulation of PID controllers with Neural
- Emergency System in Power Substation.
- GUI for fuzzy based Washing Machine.
- Torque of Electromagnetic Torque motor by
using MATLAB Simulink.
- System Identification of a synchronous
wind turbine system using a modified MlMO ARX structure.
- Fuzzy Controller of Semi-active control
for 1by4 Suspension System.
- Semi-active Control of Skyhook for 1by4
Suspension System.
- Tolerance Analysis of Electronic Circuits
- PSO solution to Economic dispatch with
Multiple fuel Options.
- Structural Vibration Control System.
- General Purposes Linear and Non Linear
Fuzzy Logic Controller.
- Armature and Field Control of DC Motor.
- Hydraulic-Electric (EMB) Hybrid Vehicle.
- An algorithm for radial distribution
power flow in Complex mode including voltage controlled buses.
- Optimal Power flow by Genetic Algorithm.
- Analysis of suspension system using
MATLAB, SIMULINK and Simscape.
- Steam Condenser Model and PI Control.
- Tune PID controller with your hand.
- Selective Harmonic Elimination Based PWM
for 3-Phase.
- Simulation of the SPWM.
- Implementation of Delta Sigma Modulator –
- Torque of electro magnetic torque motor.
- Sinusoidal PWM for Three Phase Inverter.
- Rotatory Gantry Simulation.
- Design and analysis of zero voltage
switching DC-DC.
- Multi-Input Inverter for Grid-Connected
Hybrid PV/Wind Power System.
- Application of Synchronous Static Series
Compensator (SSSC) on Enhancement of Voltage.
- Sensorless Model of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor.
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